Helicopter SATCOM

Helicopters are used in a wide variety of applications. Being smaller than fixed-wing aircraft, they are generally easier to operate and can take off without the need for runways. The adaptability of helicopters makes them suitable for many tasks that would be difficult or impossible for a fixed-wing aircraft to carry out, like search and rescue and short-distance air transport, including for medical purposes. While their capabilities are already impressive, they can be enhanced further with the integration of satellite technology. Satellites can be used by helicopter pilots and crew as a means of communicating with other aircraft in their vicinity and ground personnel. There are indeed other options available for this purpose, like radio, but SATCOM is still useful for a wide range of scenarios. Satellite coverage generally extends for much longer ranges than radio coverage, and in some cases, encompasses the entire globe. The coverage provided by satellite communications networks, like Iridium’s low-orbit satellites, is far-reaching, meaning that helicopters will never be out of contact due to travel distance. Since SATCOM works by sending a signal to a satellite in orbit, geographical features like mountains, which may prevent radio signals from reaching their target, have a much less pronounced impact. SATCOM is thus an excellent choice for helicopters used for search and rescue applications.

            Many SATCOM solutions can be used within helicopters. UStronics works with Iridium, which offers many highly capable SATCOM systems for use within rotorcraft. Products like the Avionica satLink Max can be used to provide helicopters with advanced communication abilities, better ensuring the success of their missions, whatever they may be. By integrating satellite communication technologies, helicopter operators can improve the capabilities of their helicopter fleets, enhancing their safety and effectiveness in a way that is simple and efficient.