Satellite Technology for Media

As part of their jobs, journalists often have to travel to a wide variety of areas for different purposes.  The places that reporters may go to vary in their location and challenges wildly, and can often be difficult for journalists to operate in. Media personnel may have to go to areas that have experienced natural disasters or with ongoing conflict to cover the story. It is also quite possible for media groups or enterprises to have offices or branches in areas where these events may take place. Luckily, satellite technology can help to overcome some of the challenges that media organizations and personnel might face in many cases. UStronics provides many different types of satellite communication products, from satellite phones to mobile terminals and VSAT’s. All of these technologies can be adapted for use by media should the need arise, allowing them to maintain their safety and report on the news much more quickly. 

            Drive-away VSAT’s can allow media personnel to access the internet from the vehicles wherever they go. UStronics offers multiple drive-away VSAT’s that can easily be mounted on top of media vehicles. Drive-away VSAT’s can allow reporters to access the internet from their news vans, letting them remain in contact with their respective organizations and transmit information. With an internet connection, it will be unnecessary to wait to broadcast, as reporters should be able to transfer video back to their organizations directly from the field. In many cases, journalists often have to spend extended periods in their vehicles, especially when in areas struck by natural disasters, where lodgings are harder to locate. An internet connection provided by a drive-away VSAT can do much to improve morale if news crews are stuck in their vehicles for days at a time. The VSAT’s provided by UStronics include models like the Explorer 8120, by Cobham, which are easily capable of fulfilling the network connection needs of journalists.

            A stable internet connection is not the only advantage offered by satellite connectivity, however. Satellite phones allow communication even in remote areas where cellular networks are damaged or non-existent. The advantage of this to journalists is that they can contact their respective organizations when in areas without stable phone lines, to report on events, or to ask for assistance should the need arise. With satellite phones, reporters can be assured of having a stable line of communication wherever they go, allowing them to gather news with ease. Using the satellite communication products offered by UStronics is an excellent way for media groups to ensure their success better in areas without functional communications infrastructure.