Satellites Maritime

UStronics offers a wide selection of communications products, and products intended for maritime purposes are no exception to this. VHF and UHF radios, marine Satcom systems, and satellite television equipment are all provided by UStronics. The role of each of these different systems varies, some of them ensure a vessel’s safety, while others address other needs, like the morale of the sailors operating the ship. Still, the incorporation of all of these systems can provide many benefits to operators of maritime vessels, making their acquisition a high priority.

            UStronics offers a wide range of marine Satcom systems; these can provide ships with internet access while they are at sea. Access to the internet has become nearly ubiquitous in many parts of the world, and allowing sailors to access it can help to improve crew comfort substantially. Crew members can use internet access provided by Satcom systems to do many of the things they are accustomed to onshore. Satcom systems like the Sailor 100 GX provide substantial amounts of bandwidth to users, perfect for vessels with small numbers of crew. Similarly, satellite television systems adapted for use by watercraft are also excellent for crew comfort. They can be mounted on nearly any ship, providing the crew with access to high-quality entertainment. Satellite television is perfect for alleviating any potential boredom that may arise on long term voyages, and it gives another way for the crew to remain updated on events outside of the ship. This lets crew members feel less isolated and can help improve overall efficiency. After all, the happier people are, the better they tend to perform their jobs.

            While VHF and UHF radios are perhaps less entertaining than Satcom and satellite television, their role is more central to the safety of a vessel. VHF and UHF radios, such as the Sailor 6210 VHF radio offered by UStronics, provide ships with substantial communication capabilities. The types of radios provided by UStronics allow ships to rapidly contact other ships, which is of great value in the event of an emergency. UStronics also offers some portable radios, designed for individual sailors, like the Sailor SP3500 radios, that can be used by sailors aboard large vessels to communicate with one another. These radios are optimized for use in maritime industries, and many of them are waterproof. UStronics’s wide selection of communication equipment is of great value for marine applications, and users will experience substantial improvements to their capabilities.