Inmarsat ISAT Phone Prepaid Services


IsatPhone Global Prepaid SIM Cards designed for seasonal users of different Inmarsat Isat phones which provide great rates, with no activation fees, and worldwide coverage.


ISAT Phone Prepaid Services

IsatPhone 2 coverage is worldwide, apart from the Poles. Calls are made via a single, global network so there are no roaming charges.

Location services, including tracking and an assistance button, keep people updated with your GPS co-ordinates when it matters. Receive notification of inbound calls, even with the antenna stowed.

* Validity is the number of days voucher is available from when the voucher was redeemed.



Upon voucher redemption, the expiry date will be the date falling at

1) the end of the validity period per the above table,or

2) the subscriber’s existing balance expiry date, whichever is later.

– Units from redeemed vouchers will be added to subscribers existing balance.

– Vouchers will only work for IsatPhone Pro and IsatPhone Link

Additional information

Weight 0.1 lbs
Inmarsat ISAT Phone Prepaid Services

ISatPhone prepaid 0 unit voucher (30 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 50 unit voucher (90 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 100 unit voucher (90 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 250 unit voucher (180 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 500 unit voucher (365 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 1000 unit voucher (365 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 2500 unit voucher (365 days validity), ISatPhone prepaid 5000 unit voucher (365 days validity)